Ford Tribute Brave Women Pilots With Custom Mustang MACH-E at Air Venture Charity Auction

Ford is ready to tribute the brave women air force with custom Mustang MACH-E at Air Venture Charity Auction. Ford plans to launch its WAS custom-made Ford Mustang 2021 MACH-E for auction at the upcoming Air venture Charity Auction. The money raised through the event will also go directly to the charity.

There are two main objectives of the Air venture auction according to Ford’s official announcement. The first is to honor the brave ladies who put their lives on the line to defend their country from the sky. The second object of the Air Venture Charity Auction is to raise a charity fund. This fund will directly go to the deserving youth and aspiring women who want to make a career in the field of aviation.

Something is going to be different with this year’s custom Ford. This year, the company has decided to go fully electric as well with the Ford Mustang 2021 MACH-E SUV.

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